Her ülkeden ve her yaştan, yeni ve orijinal fikirler ve yüksek riskli projeler uygulamaya çalışan araştırma liderleri için Avrupa Araştırma Konseyi Gelişmiş Hibeleri (ERC Advanced Grants) çağrısı yayınlamıştır. Araştırma konusu; herhangi bir bilim, mühendislik alanında kabul edilmektedir. Son başvuru tarihi 02 Haziran 2015′tir.
Detaylı bilgi ve başvuru için tıklayınız.
ERC Advanced Grants in brief
- Research field: any field of science, engineering and scholarship
- Researchers: any nationality, any age. Applicants must be scientifically independent and have a recent research track-record and profile which identifies them as leaders in their respective field(s) of research
- Sole evaluation criterion: scientific excellence of researcher and research proposal

- Host Institution
: research must be conducted in a public or private research organisation
(known as a Host Institution
/HI) located in one of the EU Member States or Associated Countries - Funding: up to € 2.5 million per grant (in some circumstances up to € 3.5 million per grant)
- Duration: up to 5 years
- Calls for proposals: published once a year
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